1. International Organisation Systems Development, Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, Ohio, USA
2. The Art and Practice of Leadership Development, Harvard University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
3. Organization Development (Advanced) & Management Development Consultancy Skills Training, Sweden & United Kingdom, respectively.
4. Further and Adult Education Teacher’s Certificate, Salford College of Technology, Salford, (Nr. Manchester), United Kingdom
5. MSc. Occupational Psychology, University of London, United Kingdom
6. BSc. (Hons) Psychology, University of East London, Stratford, United Kingdom
7. Diploma, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, [NLP] BRH, Brighton, United Kingdom
8. Intermediate and Basic Organization Development and Management Development Consultancy Training, Manchester, United Kingdom & Stockholm, Sweden.
9. President, Organisation Development Practitioners Association (ODPA), Ghana
10. President, Africa OD-Network
11. President, International Organisation Development Association (IODA), USA
12. Richard Beckhard Award Winner for Outstanding Contribution to the Field of Organisation Development
13. Board Member, International Society for Organisation Development and Change (ISODC), USA
14. Global Organisation Development: A Model for Africa and the World (Kumawu & Kraus, 2007)
15. The Father of Organisation Development in Africa: The Journey, The Struggles and The Career, (Kumawu, N., 2020)
Consultancy, Training & Research Experiences:
16. Noble’s consulting, facilitation, training and research activities date back to the early 1980s. Over these years, he had strengthened his professional skills in such areas as:
Individual and Organisational Needs Assessment,
Building and Development of Teams,
Management and Leadership Development,
Organisational Change and Development,
Strategic Planning & Management,
Workshop / Training Design and Facilitation,
Auditing and Management of Organisational and Personal Stress,
Training of (OD) Consultants / Trainers / Facilitators,
Organisational Design and Role-Set Analysis,
Emotional Intelligence.
Noble has undertaken various short and long-term consultancy, research and/or training assignments for the United Nations, The African Union Commission (AUC), The German Development Organisation (GIZ), World Bank, The Netherlands Development Organisation (SNV).
Noble also assisted with various public sector reform programmes including the “Compulsory Competitive Tendering” (CCT) policy implementation of the UK government, the National Institutional Renewal Programme (NIRP) of Ghana and the Federal Civil Service Commission of Ethiopia; he conducted Conflict Resolution intervention and Team Building consultancies for various clients including the Leadership of some Political Parties. Noble was also the Coordinator for the Bury Metropolitan Authority’s collaboration programme by the Social Services-Education Services-District Health Services and a non-governmental organisation.